5 Essential Pre-Session Tips for a Smooth Newborn Photoshoot (For Parents) | Aubrey, TX Newborn Photographer

Welcome to the magical world of newborn photography, where every tiny detail, from chipmunk cheeks to the gentle grip of a baby’s hand, becomes a cherished memory! As a luxury studio photographer in the Aubrey, Texas area, I specialize in turning these fleeting moments into stunning pieces of artwork that will forever capture the essence of your newborn’s first weeks. 

Here are my top tips for ensuring a smooth and joyful newborn photography session, perfect for both first-time and seasoned moms and dads.

1. Plan Like a Pro

The newborn stage goes by like a flash; it’s here today, gone tomorrow. To immortalize this brief period, scheduling your photo session during the right time is the key. For full term babies, I typically schedule sessions between 7 to 14 days old (Premies can be older for their close up, and I would recommend getting them in the studio soon after they come home from the hospital). Start chatting with your photographer around your second trimester to secure a spot. This pre-planning ensures we’re ready to capture those precious moments as soon as your bundle of joy decides to say hello to the world!

2. A Little Wakey-Wakey Before Snooze Time

Want those dreamy, sleepy newborn shots? Then, a little pre-session playtime can be your secret weapon. Keeping your baby awake before the shoot ensures they’re ready for a nap, allowing us to capture those serene, sleeping baby poses that melt everyone’s hearts. That being said, don’t push the baby too much to stay away if they are really sleepy because getting them out of their typical schedule can do more harm than good.

3. The Magic of a Full Tummy

A well-fed baby is a happy, sleepy baby. Feeding your newborn 20-30 minutes before the session guarantees those peaceful, content images everyone adores. Plus, a milk-drunk baby makes for some irresistibly cute photos!

4. Dress for Success—Or, In This Case, Undress!

Prep your baby with a loose diaper and a zip up onesie about 30 minutes before our session. This little trick helps prevent those pesky diaper marks and keeps your baby comfortable and ready for those adorable naked baby shots. And don’t worry about the chill—your baby will be snug and warm in my perfectly heated studio.

5. Relax and Enjoy the Show

Now, it’s your turn to sit back and relax. Trust in your photographer’s expertise to gently and safely pose your baby, capturing those perfect moments. Remember, a calm parent equals a calm baby, so breathe deep and watch the magic happen.

Turning Precious Moments into Timeless Art

Your newborn’s photo session is more than just a series of pictures; it’s the beginning of a lifelong journey of memories. As a maternity and newborn photographer near Pilot Point and Aubrey, Texas, I aim to create breathtaking artwork that brings you back to these precious moments every time you glance at your walls. From planning to ensuring your baby is photo-ready, these tips guarantee a photo session that’s as enjoyable as it is successful. 

And remember, each photo is a potential masterpiece, waiting to be transformed into luxurious acrylic, canvas, or album artwork that stands the test of time. Let’s make these fleeting moments last forever!

Reach out today by filling out my contact form: www.kraeimages.com

I serve clients all around the DFW Metroplex including Prosper, Celina, Denton, Dallas, Plano, Frisco, Garland, Richardson, McKinney, Little Elm, Grapevine, and more.